Singing Guide: Donna Taggart

Singing Guide: Donna Taggart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Donna Taggart has a unique voice that is both soothing and heartfelt. To learn to sing like Donna, one should focus on developing range, control, and phrasing. Taggart’s songs showcase her beautiful voice and emotional depth, and are an excellent place to start. To develop range and control, exercises like Singing Carrots’ Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test are great tools. The Pitch Training tool included in Singing Carrots provides interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises for range and agility, which will increase range and enable one to sing with more precision.

Breath control is key in vocal performance, and Donna’s breathy tones provide a natural style guide. To improve breath control, Singing Carrots’ Warm-up exercise and Breathing Basics article can be helpful. Phrasing is also important, as Taggart’s voice has a very specific and unique style. Tips for learning a new song effectively can be found in Singing Carrots’ article “How to Learn a Song Effectively.”

To achieve the level of emotional expression that Taggart can achieve, singers can benefit from the tips and singing lessons in Singing Carrots’ course, “Singing for Beginners.” This course provides more than 20 lessons covering singing theory and practical tips to develop an understanding of singing concepts, as well as the opportunity to practice techniques, which will help develop singers’ emotional expression.

By using the Singing Carrots resources, one can learn to sing like Donna Taggart and develop their own emotional depth and singing abilities.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.